Beatrice Bevilacqua et al. / Equivariant Subgraph Aggregation Networks / ICLR 2022
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Beatrice Bevilacqua et al. / Equivariant Subgraph Aggregation Networks / ICLR 2022
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We will present a blog post on "Equivariant Subgraph Aggregation Networks" from Beatrice Bevilacqua et al. [1], which has been accepted as a Spotlight presentation in ICLR 2022.
The commonly used Message-passing Graph Neural Networks (MPNNs) consist of several layers which perform node-wise aggregation of information from neighbour nodes.
There are two main important characteristics which make these graph neural networks appealing:
Locality: computations require only the immediate neighbours of a node. Unlike Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), which require structured data, MPNNs are able to capture complex relationships on unstructured graphs, which makes them suitable for a number of different tasks that cannot be solved by the classical convolutions of CNNs.
Linear complexity: MPNNs benefit from linear in the number of edges: this means that they can be easily scalable to large numbers of nodes and edges. Roughly speaking, this linear complexity property means that doubling the number of nodes in our graph will double the requirement in computational resources.
However, MPNNs suffer from a limitation on their expressive power. In particular, it has been demonstrated that they are at most as expressive as the Weisfeiler-Lehman graph isomorphism test, a classical method that can be used to determine if the structure of two graphs is equivalent (i.d. iso: same, morphic: shape). So, what is this Weisfeiler-Lehman test?
The Weisfeiler-Lehman (WL) graph isomorphism test is a necessary but insufficient condition to determine if two graphs have the same structure. In particular the WL-test is an efficient heuristics that can tell in polynomial time if two graphs are not isomorphic:
The algorithm works by colouring the graph nodes (i.d. assigning labels) and keeps assigning these colors by aggregating neighbors (we note that this aggregation is indeed a form of message passing!) and stops when the coloring is stable. When this happens, there are two possibilities:
The colors are different: the two graphs are not isomorphic
The colors are same: the two graphs may be (we are not sure!) isomorphic
This is the reason why it is an insufficient condition for isomorphism. Let's look at this example:
In this case, both of the graphs have the same number of nodes and edges and they are the same for the WL-test (same colors). However, they are clearly not isomorphic! This kind of structure occurs frequently in many graphs, such as molecular bonds.
It has been shown that we can extend the WL-test to a higher order (k) version, namely the k-WL test. Except for 2-WL, it can be shown that (k + 1)-WL is strictly stronger than k-WL. However, there is no version for infinite dimensional WL, i.d. having a general and most importantly sufficient condition for isomorphism for any graph.
We have seen how MPNNs suffer from an expressive power drawback. While a number of approaches have been introduced in the literature to have more expressive GNNs, these have limitations such as:
Poor generalization
Computationally expensive
Require deep domain knowledge
What if we had a way a general, inexpensive and domain-agnostic way of performing augmenting GNN expressivity?
A core idea of the paper is to divide a graph into subgraphs. We can use some selection policies (described later in the post) to obtain a bag of subgraphs from the original graph. Let's see this example:
As we can see on the left, there are WL-indistinguishable subgraphs: they are not-isomorphic, but they yield the same coloring. Now, if we split them into subgraphs (on the right) and run again the WL-test, we will notice that the produce coloring are indeed different: this implies that they are actually not isomorphic!
We will introduce the framework devised by the authors, ESAN (Equivariant Subgraph Aggregation Networks). The main idea behind ESAN is to represent the graph as a bag (i.d. a multiset):
of its subgraphs. Then, we can make predictions on a graph based on this subset:
There are two essential points to consider then: Two crucial questions pertain to this approach: (1) , and (2)
How to define , i.e. architecture should we use to process bags of graphs?
How do we select , the graph subgraph selection policy?
First of all, let's start by describing how to represent a set of graphs (the so-called bag-of-graphs). We can summarize it in the following image:
The graph is split into a bag of subgraphs where $\tau$ permutes the subgraphs in the set and $\sigma$ permutes the nodes in the subgraphs. In other words, this representation creates a symmetry group: by requiring the representation to permute the subgraphs and their nodes, we can obtain a neural architecture which is equivariant to this group.
Equivariant means that no matter the order of transformations, the output will be always the same (on the left):
which is a desirable property in the realm of Graph Neural Networks - in the example above, it is easy to see how this is desirable for a classification CNN.
Now, we can formulate the architecture of DSS-GNN:
where DSS-GNN stands for the somewhat-lenghty "Deep Sets of Symmetric Objects - Graph Neural Network"; the symmetric objects are the bags of subgraphs that we obtained before. This architecture is composed of three main layers:
Let's decompose them one by one!
Equivariant Feature Encoder: is composed of several -equivariant layers. Its purpose is to learn useful node features for all the nodes in all subgraphs. Each $H$-equivariant layer (on the right) processes bags of subgraphs accounting for their natural symmetry and it is composed by the following:
where, are the adjacency and feature matrices of the -th subgraph and is the output of the layer on the $i$-th subgraph. So what are these and These can be any type of GNN layer. While encodes each subgraph separately , aggregates information among the subgraphs (which is called information sharing). This is also common with the seminal DSS paper [2].
Subgraph Readout Layer: given the output from the first step, this generates an invariant feature vector for each subgraph independently by aggregating the graph node and/or edge data. The modalities can change, but we can for instance aggregate with a mean operator.
Set Encoder: is is a universal set encoder, such as DeepSets [3] or PointNets [4]. This part aggregates the set of preprocessed subgraphs with invariant-per-subgraph features, so that we can obtain the final graph representation.
Selecting the subgraphs is of paramount importance: this determines how expressive our representation will be! The authors study four main policies:
Node-deleted policy: a graph is mapped to the set containing all subgraphs that can be obtained from the original graph by removing a single node
Edge-deleted policy: similar to above, but it is defined as the set of all subgraphs we obtain by removing a single edge.
EGO-networks policy: this policy maps each graph to a set of ego-networks of some specified depth, one for each node in the graph. An ego-network is, simply put, the network obtained by looking at the neighboorhood of a node only (where ego means "I", meaning we focus on the perspective of one node). A -Ego-network of a node is its -hop neighbourhood with the induced connectivity).
EGO+ policy: We can also consider a variant of the ego-networks policy where the root node (a is e in the example below) holds an identifying feature (EGO+).
However, obtaining the set of subgraphs from a large network can be overly expensive. That is why the authors propose a stochastic subsampling in which only a small subset of subgraphs is sampled to calculate the loss function.
An important contribution of the authors is showing that their model ESAN is expressive by demonstrating it theoretically.
In particular, the authors devise a new variant of the Weisfeiler-Lehman test dubbed “DSS-WL” with different architectural and subgraph selection policies. To sum up, an important theoretical conclusion is that the ESAN architecture can distinguish 3-WL equivalent graphs using only a WL graph encoder - which is, the standard MPNN. Moreover, this can enhance the expressive power of stronger architectures.
The experiments demonstrate strong performance of the DSS-GNN model. The authors also compare the case in which the information sharing layer is set to . Base encoders and graph selection policies are reported in parentheses.
The authors use EXP, CEXP and CS which are designed so that any 1-WL GNN cannot do better than random guess, such as a vanilla MPNN.
We notice how the variants of baselines with DSS-GNN manage to - perfectly - solve the tasks while 1-WL GNN basically perform random guesses.
This is a benchmark set of real datasets for classification and regression of various type, such as user molecules (PROTEINS) and movies (IMDB).
Results show that the approach achieves state of the art in one dataset (PTC), but it still retains comparable results to the SoTA (state-of-the-art).
These datasets comprise OGBG-MOLHIV and OGBG-MOLTOX21, which are dedicated to molecular property predictions.
These results shows how ESAN achieve SoTA in both datasets with basically all of the selection policies.
ZINC12K is a larger scale molecular benchmark: here, the authors want to demonstrate how their method can scale up to much larger dimensions:
As the table shows, ESAN does not achieve SoTA. However, it achieves SoTA among the domain-agnostic models: indeed, SoTA is achieved by a model employing strong inductive biases, which is somewhat an "unfair" comparison since the authors employ ad-hoc tricks to solve the problem. This shows how ESAN can expand on large scales by being both powerful and domain-agnostic.
We have reviewed ESAN: Equivariant Subgraph Aggregration Networks, a novel graph paradigm. The core idea of ESAN is to decompose a graph into bags of subgraphs via subgraph selection policies and process them according to symmetry groups. A further contribution is that the proposed model is provably more powerful than standard MPNNs in performing WL graph isomorphism tests. Experimental results reach state-of-the-art in certain tasks and, where they don't, still remain very competitive by achieving close results while being domain-agnostic.
The proposed model needs to select the bags of subgraphs and by processing a large amount of obtained subgraphs it is strictly more computationally expensive than standard MPNNs, which limit their applicability, although the authors include a subsampling policy to partly overcome this issue. A further limitation is that, while it is true that the authors provide mathematical proofs and code, their approach still does not achieve SoTA in many of the TUDatasets, a standard graph benchmarking problem, highlighting the fact that further studies should be done to prove that the proposed ESAN approach is strictly superior to competitors not only theoretically, but also experimentally.
Federico Berto Personal Website
Affiliation: KAIST, Industrial & Systems Engineering Department MSc students at SILAB Member of the open research group DiffEqML
[1] Bevilacqua, Beatrice, et al. "Equivariant subgraph aggregation networks." ICLR 2022.
[2] Maron, Haggai, et al. "On learning sets of symmetric elements." International Conference on Machine Learning. PMLR, 2020.
[3] Zaheer, Manzil, et al. "Deep sets." Advances in neural information processing systems 30 (2017).
[4] Qi, Charles R., et al. "Pointnet: Deep learning on point sets for 3d classification and segmentation." Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition. 2017.